Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How to De-stress during Finals!!!

So..I drove in this morning from Innisfail, and the roads were pretty ugly. It stressed me out so much driving in my little car down icy roads, with cars behind me wanting to pass me cause I drive so slow! So how do I de-stress from all of this?
To take time to give it to Jesus! Seriously!! Like Legit! If you take just alittle bit of time of silence, to focus on him and ask him to take it away, it makes you feel a whole lot better. Wednesdays at lunch at Notre Dame, there is an opportunity to pray in the chapel, to be silent, to just give all your cares to God. I love it! It renews my whole day!!
So..if any students are reading this-give your stress to God, for he died for you, and is willing to do anything for you!! Teachers and staff-you too! I know this is a stressful time as you submit marks,etc. Give to God. It's kind of like that Bruno Mars Song-Grenade but not really!!

Do you remember those spiritual resolutions I talked about before? How are yours going? Me? well, funny you should ask...haha! ...uh..cough! It's err good!! No actually it's going well. I've had a few late nights of youth ministry certificate homework so praying with Kevin has been hard this week. Working out-well...staying late in Red Deer has been a challenge because of bad roads and such, so I'm going tonight in Innisfail for sure!! I will keep going!! And God will give me strength!!

Anyhow, have a wonderful snowy day!! Stay tuned for my next blog-Little Bo Peep has Lost her Sheep!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

It BURNS!!!!!

It burns!! Jesus' fire burns within me..... and so do my legs and back from the amount of exercising I've done in the last week....
So, last week, I challenged everyone to a spiritual resolution, and I would keep you posted on my progress!
Well, I think I'm not doing too badly! I've worked out everyday! Feeling good, and energetic! As well as, I made a prayer schedule for Kevin and I to try and follow every night. We've been doing actually pretty good with all this structure!
So for me who is never good at punctuality can do this stuff and really make the effort, so can all of you!!
What a difference it makes to start and end your day with a little prayer of thanks to God for all that he does for us. God truely gives us the energy that we need to keep going when times are tough, and even times are great! It's all a blessing and a gift!
Hope you're spiritual resolutions are going well! I suggest the prayer and exercise schedule! Let me know how you are all doing as well with this!
Have a blessed weekend!!