Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I want to be on Good Soil!

Good Morning Everyone!

Well, Autumn is here and it's good to be back in the school working! It's been a very busy month so far, and I'm super grateful for all of my upcoming helpers on my Super Team, as well as, eager teachers to help with my LifeTeen Nights!

I'm running chapel times for religion classes this week, and I have them do a skit of the Parable of the Sower and the Seeds!

To most people this is a pretty familiar story where the farmer sows seeds, some seeds get eaten right away by birds and don't even have a chance of living. Some seeds fall on rocky ground, but with no good soil, the sun burns them up and they die. Then some seeds fall on thorny ground and the seeds end up getting choked up by the thorns and die. Then the farmer sows seeds onto good soil, and they grow to be strong and healthy.

I want to be on Good Soil! I think most of you would agree, that most of us are striving for good soil, but we all struggle and we all deal with circumstances and situations that might be a little "rocky", or "thorny". We want to be better, but the "thorns' or "sins" are holding us back from what God has in store for us!

So, this will be a short message this morning, but strive for Good soil! Avoid sin, temptation, and things that may not help you do what God's will is for you!

Also, remember that we are all farmers and we have the ability to sow the seeds as well! Help plant the seeds in one another! Help each other feel loved and supported! Lead them to Christ! For he is love! Be kind to one another for we are all created for greatness! Each and every one of us!

Happy Tuesday everyone!
P.S. I started a Boot Camp exercise program this morning and nearly died! I felt like the seed stuck in the thorns because I want to strive to be more healthy but I haven't for so long that it was extremely difficult! But I'm striving for the good!!

Never give up on yourself!!