Monday, December 27, 2010

Check out this video from Lifeteen! Which will be starting up in Red Deer at St. Mary's very soon!

New Year's Spiritual Resolutions anyone?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a truely blessed holiday season!!
This morning, my husband and I took my grandpa out for lunch! It was a great visit, although, I had a feeling he was going to mention to me how much weight I put on since last year. Just when I thought that conversation wasn't going to happen, and my husband paid for our bill, he says: "Jeannette, when was that Knights of Columbus dance thing I came to last year?" and my husband says: "Last April", and my grandpa replies: "You've gained some weight since then."

I knew it!!! Ugh! I didn't want to hear, but I knew it was true, and most definately one of my resolutions this year is to get myself into shape! Especially as the Central Alberta World Youth Day Group head to Spain in the summer, and we will be backpacking through it!

It's funny how our resolutions mostly involve the physical aspects of us-eating better, getting into shape, looking better, etc. but what about the spiritual? We are all sinners, and we tend to forget that we have spiritual needs just as much as the physical. I for one will be trying to say a rosary with my husband every night. It's sure a hard thing to do, but man, I need a better relationship with Jesus. How can we expect him to work in our lives, if we're not even paying attention to him? to the one that created us? to our ultimate best friend?

What will your spiritual resolution be?

We could have the most fit body, and be eating the most healthy of food, but will that get us in the end when we die? God doesn't judge us on our beautiful looks, but on our beautiful soul!

Whoever is reading this-LISTEN UP!! Maybe your spiritual resolution could be to pray for the young people in your classes, in your parishes, offer up a sacrifice for them! It's simple and would take 5 minutes!

Also-all you young people out there-and I'm talking 18-35yrs!! You should check out the Our Lady of Victory Camp New Year's Eve Conference!! A beautiful way to enrich our catholic faith and have a tonne of fellowship and fun as well! is where you can register!

Have a great New Year's everyone, and try to have a spiritual resolution as well as the physical! That is my challenge for my self as well, and you know what? I will even help motivate you all by keeping you posted on here!
God Bless!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Religion in the class and spiritual practices

A few years ago, I was visiting my Aunt in Calgary and she was telling me how well my cousin Sarah was doing in school. She had the one of the highest marks in religion. My Aunt was extremely proud.
She went on to tell me that she was concerned with Sarah because she was starting to go to another church and didn't want to go to the catholic church anymore with my Aunt. She had friends at the other church, and the music was upbeat and cool. She told me that they pushed Sarah to go to both that church with her friend and the catholic church. Sarah complained because she didn't understand why she had to go to church twice.
I asked my Aunt, "Well, does she understand the importance of the Mass?" And my aunt was like, "Oh, well yes, she has the highest mark in Religion." And I thought to myself,..well, that's great, but that doesn't mean she understands the faith spiritually.

I think we forget sometimes that we can have all the knowledge in the world, but if we don't feel it, see it, experience it, we won't get it. Alot of people go to church as routine all their lives, not really knowing why, only knowing that if they go, they hopefully will go to heaven.

Our faith is more than routine, it's a relationship.

It's getting to know Jesus in a special way, realizing that the Eucharist is Jesus, physically present for us to experience and to have.

In Youth Ministry, I meet such a diversity of students and staff that come from so many backgrounds. The biggest thing that I feel God calls us to do for one another is to form a relationship with them and meet them where they're at.

The biggest challenge in my ministry is ministering to those who do not know God personally, who don't have that relationship.
St. Francis says preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words.

My desire is that students will choose their faith by seeing the examples of their peers and staff. I'm not saying to not talk about God, but for some students-to start talking about it as if they already know him, would shut out the communication you have with them.

My ministry is not to "Teach" Religion and the aspects of the faith, but to "Show" my love for my religion and the aspects of the faith.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fire, Fuzzy Slippers, Fire Breathing Frogs and Fantabulous Young People!

Yes! That was a random title-such is my life in youth ministry and student life!
God is so absolutely amazing in what he is doing in the lives of our young people! I attended a Lifeteen and Edge Youth Ministry Training in Ontario the past weekend, and I realized that you can only have so many programs and events for youth, but what is really going to grow them deeper into faith?
Things need to be random, simple and relational. It's not about the program, it's about meeting the students where they're at.
Christ says in the bible-Do not conform yourselves to this world, but make yourselves a living sacrifice for me. How beautiful! We are not meant for this world-we are meant for so much more.
I love working with highschool students because they are so honest with you about where they're at. I find it so much easier to have a conversation about Jesus with them, as opposed to an adult. Yes people! Teens long for love, long for acceptance, long for family, long for friends, long for trust, long for freedom, long for attention. They are hungry for a real legit relationship with God, whether they think they do or not.

After XLT Adoration at the LifeTeen Training on Saturday-I facebooked one of my students from the school, and I felt the Holy Spirit truely working within me to be bold! I told her that she was worthy of God, and that he loves her so much. And you know what? She's been coming more and more to events and asks questions about faith. I see her desire for a true relationship.

I love that I can have a Theology of the Body session, and then the next day, talk about having a Star Wars flash mob in the gathering area and act random.

So-let me ask all of you reading this? Why is the ministry so important for youth? Because they are the future of our church. But what about our present church? Are you alive with the Holy Spirit? Do you go to church as routine? or do you feel God's presence? Do you seek out Jesus in everyone you know? or do you focus on the negative things of life? The church is not just a set of rules about standing up, sitting down, singing, and listening to a Homily. There is a spiritual phenomenon going on. Jesus becomes truely present in the Eucharist. I think if everyone truely believed in this, we would never want to put anything of God, and Mass. It is the source and summit of our faith.

How do we teach our students how amazing our faith is, when we may not understand it ourselves? We have to seek out answers, we have to get involved in retreats, and church events that could revitalize our soul, and bring us to a stronger spiritual reality.

So in my randomness-let's grow deeper beyond-fuzzy slippers, fire breathing frogs, and show these students that they can embrace the mystery of faith, the mystery of the eucharist, the love that we long for.

Anyhow, as I sign off, I have a room full of students discussing faith issues, and I'm distracted! haha! Farewell Fantabulous people! God Bless You!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Choose Your Own Adventure Month!! Part 1

I know it's been a while since I last wrote, and as I sit here writing, I'm! I should be in bed! haha!
Do you remember those books-choose your own adventure? And you read the book, and come to a spot where you have to choose between three possible scenarios and you pick one, and sometimes it makes your story end right away? This month reminds of such a story!

As I learn about youth ministry in the school system and explore the possibilities of new ideas and ventures, I am faced with many scenarios. For instance-Parent Appreciation night! This event-which I think will be fabulous, may flop because only 1 student told her parents, and it's in a week and a half.
I have a coffee house scheduled for next friday.....any entertainment scheduled? that I'm will come together, but you never know what's going to happen next.

Last night-XLT adoration was amazing!! There were students that attended that I never would have expected to step into church! It was awesome! Our Tim Horton's coffee visit after proved to be quite entertaining when all of us saw someone that looked like Nick Jonas off of the Disney Channel, and we started singing Jonas Brothers Songs. You know, that coffee time after an event, I think is essential in youth ministry-that's where you build relationships, and break down walls. I cherish those memories.

I'm excited to be working more at the Outreach School in Red Deer, and I have to say, that place is always an adventure, cause you never know who's going to be there. This week is appetizer week! See? An! And people!! Woot!

Theology of the Body for Teens is a session I run after school on Wednesdays, and the number of students attending is amazing, and continues to grow. I love the fact that students are interested in knowing the truth behind love, sex, and marriage. I truely believe this is a group that could change the culture of the school.

Well, my next scenario in the choose your own adventure book is to go to bed! I know what you're thinking..."What? but that ends the story." You're right! Good night everyone! God Bless, and always remember that the adventure you choose can affect someone's life and bring them closer to God. Plant the seed-and someone else will help it to grow!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

And the joy of the Lord keeps flowing!!!

Hello Everyone!! It has been awhile since I wrote on my blog! I have much to tell all of you!!
FATHER TONY!! The triumphant return of Father Tony to Red Deer Catholic Schools was a huge success!! Everyone welcomed him with open arms to talk about seeing Jesus in everyone-even the person you would least expect to walk through the gates of heaven one day. He also reminded us to Remember where you came from and Don't be Stupid.
My husband and I had to go to Calgary monday morning to pick him up at his hotel. I was super nervous. (I had seen Father Tony in the L.A. Catholic Congress, and he was pretty outspoken and awesome, and FAMOUS!!!!) So, needless to say, I was excited but nervous for him to be driven in my little cavilier when this man owns a Jaguar.
We got to his hotel, and to our surprise, he was pretty friendly and easy to talk to. We brought him to Camille Catholic Middle School to speak first to all the grade 9's in the divison. He had them laughing and thinking, especially when Father Tony said, there are 2 places you can go when you die-Heaven or Hell, and if you don't want to be a saint you go to hell. Haha!

John-Paul-the St. Dominic's Youth Minister and I along with the faith coordinator from the school board took Father Tony out for lunch. To my surprise, he wanted "real food", not vietnamese, not chinese. This man wanted a burger! He loves mcdonalds!!

So during lunch we chatted with him about the importance of youth ministry in the school system, and he was completely encouraging John-Paul and I with our jobs. That youth ministry is what a catholic school is all about. That's what makes it unique from a public school. He even said and I quote-"You know, if you are in a catholic school, you teach religion first-you are a minister of faith to the students first-then a teacher second. If you don't like that, then there are plenty of public schools that will take you in no problem."
Words of wisdom from Father Tony!

Anyhow, Father Tony-went to Rocky Mountain House Tuesday, and returned to Red Deer Tuesday night for a beautiful mass at St. Mary's. He then came to Notre Dame Wednesday to speak to the students and my Super Team led the school in a song, and had the opportunity to eat lunch with Father Tony and visit him. What an amazing week....but it doesn't stop there!!

That Wednesday evening-18 Super Team members from Notre Dame Highschool participated in a leadership retreat along with St. Dominic's from Rocky. The Sylvan Lake parish-Our Lady of Assumption, welcomed us with open arms. From Wednesday to Sunday to retreat away from reality, away from noise, away from distraction and away from the influences of the world.

James 2:19-20
You believe that there is one God. You do well. But the demons also believe, and they tremble greatly. So then, are you willing to understand, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?

The retreat started with a talk from Carl Fakely on his conversion to becoming a christian catholic, and then as a follow up-a student shared her story of last year's retreat and how it dramatically changed her life. She shared that she realized that Jesus died for "her", and that we can't take that for granted. She had everyone crying. It was a beautiful start.

As the retreat went on with games and sessions-including a session on Gossip and judging others, and that judging someone also means you judge Christ-because all of us were created by God, and are made in his image and likeness.

I cannot describe to you the transformations that took place this past weekend. Friday night was a beautiful Taize prayer and praise night-praying together our thanks to God, as well as our prayer intentions. Saturday was a day of sillence-for the most part! Trying to get 40 teenagers to be quiet was super hard. Although, the afternoon was spent watching the Passion and then having silent prayer, a silent dinner, and then reconciliation talk, examination of Conscience, Adoration and confession. It was a beautiful night.

The students shared today as we finished up our retreat what experiences they enjoyed and could take home. Confession! That was huge! For some-they hadn't been to confession for a long time, and just felt so good and so ready to take on the world. They signed a covenant to truely follow through on their faith journey in the school, community and parishes.

I believe that it is these kinds of experiences that truely change the lives of our young people. I belive that they need to be unplugged from the world, undistracted from the world, to hear the voice of God within them. I believe that as youth ministry in the catholic school system grows, this is essential to allowing our students to have that catholic voice-that is heard, to have their actions seen by their peers, to have the support from one another to keep going when it's tough.

These students had to miss 2 days of school for this retreat-and although that was a hard thing to do-I believe we needed that time. A weekend would not have been enough. You know, it's funny how students can miss school for football, for dance, for a field trip, for a drama presentation, but when it comes to a retreat that fundamentally is crucial for the student's soul it's not understood? We can get scholarships for school that will get us into college or university, but what about the tools we need to actually go to heaven when we die? I'm not saying that we should all just be on retreat all the time, cause just like Jesus, we can't stay on the mountain top praying, we have to go out into the world to spread the gospel-but we need to take this time to help our young people find Christ, and bring him back to our Catholic Schools. Why wouldn't we? We're called a Catholic School for a reason.

We must not just believe-we must act on our faith-and these students I pray, after this weekend, will do just that!! Please my brothers and sisters in christ, Pray for our students in the school to continue to grow and share the light of Christ!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Come to Me, all you who are weary

What an absolutely amazing year in ministry!! My fellow youth minister John Paul in the school division and I visited a good friend down in Lethbridge who is a chaplain down in a catholic high school there. What a great day of affirmation on our ministry, and some new insight and inspiration from this man who has worked with young people for quite some time, and obviously called to do this by God. What a gift he was to us today!

As the school year comes to an end, I look forward to my Jesus time-to fuel my energy with prayer and reflection, and with that, spend time with my main vocation-my husband!! Poor guy doesn't always see me. I thank God everyday for him, who is right on baord with me in my ministry because afterall, we met as team members doing youth ministry programs at Our Lady of Victory Camp!

I am so excited for what is to come next year! I ask all of you who are reading this to conitnue to pray for the youth, and that my program will continue to grow and strengthen in Christ Jesus. But!! We must never forget our teachers and staff as well in the catholic schools. Please pray for them too!

So with the summer here, does that mean I'm done ministering? Abosolutely not! haha! I will be attending the Family Life Conference with Our Lady of Victory Camp Team, my husband and a few young adults from Red DEer to lead music in the 12-14 tent, and then we head out to Our Lady of Vicotry Camp on the sunday! I can't wait to see the transformations in the students that will be attending camp this summer. It's beautiful to see the teens change from sunday to friday!

So-I bid you all farewell until I"m back from camp!! Have a blessed rest of your June!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Wow!! I'm so sorry everyone for not writing for awhile. It's definately been an adventure the last few weeks!

So, tonight was the last adoration before summer at my home parish in Innisfail at Our Lady of Peace. It was so nice to take time out to just spend time with Jesus, and talk to him. I couldn't thank God enough for all the youth of the schools and the parishes. They are so amazing and can offer us so much. They're just waiting for someone to ask them.

I also couldn't help but think how I can improve things for next year in my ministry. You know, like, am I doing too much? am I doing the wrong things?, should I being doing this, should I be doing that? Man! I'm a control freak! I sat in front of the blessed sacrament and I thought, "Jesus, help me not to the things I want to do, but things YOU want me to do." Sometimes I feel like I need to conquer the world. It really is very hard for me to say no, or to take on too much.

Anyways, this last weekend was beautiful. The gifts of the youth were alive and well!! The Localpalooza unplugged show to fundraise for students to go to Our Lady of Victory Camp was a huge success! Many students from Notre Dame performed. I'm so incredibly proud! Once that was finished, the youth team, along with Rocky's youth team, and the Team from Our Lady of Victory Camp dressed up in formal attire, and went to Mass at Sacred Heart, and then enjoyed a Dance in the hall. It was an awesome way to end off the year! Their true beauty came out that night. They all looked smashingly beautiful as young men and women of God.

Remember that these students are not the future of the church, but that they ARE the church, and they are ready and willing to participate more than we think. They just need to know that we care for them, and love them. I was blown away by a girl that is wanting to take the youth ministry course with me this summer. These students have changed my life!

Even though they have their drama, their excuses to try and skip class, their negative moments, and bad mood swings, they all have something very important and significant in common.
And once we try to look for Jesus in them, we see a side of them that is goes beyond the norm of a regular teenager.
I will truely miss the Grade 12's that will be leaving at the end of this month. And I pray that they will be successful in all that they do. Perhaps they will join the young adult ministry that is forming? haha! One can only hope, but either way, these are the faces that will lead their peers to Jesus!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Under the weather, and it looks like we just finished finals in january outside!!

Hello Everyone! The weekend was definately a busy one. Was out at my summer camp for a youth rally, and it was perfect weather for it. It was a dinosaur theme so everything was dino games, talks, etc. We celebrated Mass and adoration saturday night, and then had a fun dance to end off the evening. What a blast. There was definately some emotions during adoration.

Today it was is as if winter never ended. Very windy, snowy and cold!! Speaking of colds...I think I'm coming down with one. With such a hectic week and weekend, I am not surprised. After the Rally at camp, one of the students came in and asked if she could get info on doing her confirmation. Praise God!! Look at all these young people standing up for their faith!! Woot!!

Today, we celebrated the month of May in honor of Mary at school. The message was for us to say Yes to letting Jesus into our hearts, just as Mary said yes to be the Mother of God. The Go Team performed a drime exactly about that. Choosing to follow Jesus, rather than a life of despair and sin. They did such an amazing job!! You guys Rock!!

Well, this will have to be short tonight, as I am going to rest. Feeling yucky!! Goodnight Everyone! God Bless you!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lions, Drime Team, and singing oh my!!

Okay, so I"m in the midst of Music Festival week, so I'm worrying and stressing about musical theatre props, rehearsals, and nerves of the students and parents, on top of alot of projects and work at the school.

I was blown away by my student Kristen today who sang On My Own from Les' Mis, as she showed emotion and action, I had never seen before. It truely made me emotional. I believed her story of loving a man so much. It's too bad we don't always tend to love Jesus with that much conviction. Man oh man our culture is so busy. I was blown away when I went with St. Dom's to mexico. The people who had nothing, who only had a little shack for a house, loved Jesus so much and were so greatful for what they had. I was amazed at their joy and happiness. How sad it is that we, who have pretty good lives, always want more stuff, when they have nothing, and really don't care to want more either.

So going back to my awesome Drime Team. I went to the rehearsal for Drime at lunch today near the end of their practice, (Drime is an acting and music skit program. Pretty cool!! ) I was amazed! Kassidy had everyone organized, got peoples contact info, talked about rehearsal schedules and really took charge. I just went on facebook tonight, and was invited to a group called Notre Dame Go-TEam!!! What??? Am I "Coordinating?" You mean,...I don't have to organize it? No!! My amazing students are!! That truely made my day.

Leap Team came for a visit today too. They work for St. Mary's, and are very holy young people. I'm super excited for all the work that they are doing. As well, Christie and Mike who talk on Chastity from Our Lady of Victory Camp were giving talks today, as well, as my wonderful Innisfail Grade 9's from St. Marg's were visiting. It was a super awesome afternoon of epicness!

Tonight I sang Be Prepared from the Lion King with my student James. James of course was Scar, and I was Shenzi, the Hyiena. Needless to say, I looked pretty awesome with my teased hair and unibrow!! One of my students Myranda and a friend of hers performed All I Ask of You from Phantom of the opera. They were so engaged, and convicted in their characters. Then she also sang a song with my other student Sam-I Just Can't WAit to be King from the Lion King-yes,..I like the Lion you had to choose a character that would best describe you from these numbers..who would you be:
Scar-Convinces others what he wants, but for selfish reasons rather than for the better good
Shenzi-a follower, just doing what she is told, or easily influenced
Simba-Wild, young, Does what he wants-he makes the rules, or tries to
Zazu-The bird that watches over Simba-Stingy, and strict, stuck in his ways, and gets mad or frustrated easily
Christine-from Phantom-Wanting to find what is right, gentle, and searching
Raoul-from Phantom-Following his heart, seeking and asking questions, trying to be better

Goodnight Everyone!! God Bless!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wow!! My First Blog!

Hello Everyone! Not sure who will read this, but I was told a while back to start a blog or a diary about my experiences at Notre Dame High School in Red Deer Alberta as the new Youth Ministry Coordinator.

So-here's my plan-each day..maybe every other day, I will have put up a story of a student or an experience I had that was significant, maybe funny, maybe sad, but super duper epic.

This position that has been created at the school is completely new, and I know there are a tonne of teachers that probably see me and wonder..why is she here? She sits and talks to kids all day. What is her purpose? Well, I am here to tell you my purpose, and with the God's help, he is making a difference in the lives of many young people! I am truely blessed to have met such wonderful students, and staff, and I want to be able to share this with all of you!! May God Bless you!, and I hope and pray that these messages will inspire you!!