Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fire, Fuzzy Slippers, Fire Breathing Frogs and Fantabulous Young People!

Yes! That was a random title-such is my life in youth ministry and student life!
God is so absolutely amazing in what he is doing in the lives of our young people! I attended a Lifeteen and Edge Youth Ministry Training in Ontario the past weekend, and I realized that you can only have so many programs and events for youth, but what is really going to grow them deeper into faith?
Things need to be random, simple and relational. It's not about the program, it's about meeting the students where they're at.
Christ says in the bible-Do not conform yourselves to this world, but make yourselves a living sacrifice for me. How beautiful! We are not meant for this world-we are meant for so much more.
I love working with highschool students because they are so honest with you about where they're at. I find it so much easier to have a conversation about Jesus with them, as opposed to an adult. Yes people! Teens long for love, long for acceptance, long for family, long for friends, long for trust, long for freedom, long for attention. They are hungry for a real legit relationship with God, whether they think they do or not.

After XLT Adoration at the LifeTeen Training on Saturday-I facebooked one of my students from the school, and I felt the Holy Spirit truely working within me to be bold! I told her that she was worthy of God, and that he loves her so much. And you know what? She's been coming more and more to events and asks questions about faith. I see her desire for a true relationship.

I love that I can have a Theology of the Body session, and then the next day, talk about having a Star Wars flash mob in the gathering area and act random.

So-let me ask all of you reading this? Why is the ministry so important for youth? Because they are the future of our church. But what about our present church? Are you alive with the Holy Spirit? Do you go to church as routine? or do you feel God's presence? Do you seek out Jesus in everyone you know? or do you focus on the negative things of life? The church is not just a set of rules about standing up, sitting down, singing, and listening to a Homily. There is a spiritual phenomenon going on. Jesus becomes truely present in the Eucharist. I think if everyone truely believed in this, we would never want to put anything of God, and Mass. It is the source and summit of our faith.

How do we teach our students how amazing our faith is, when we may not understand it ourselves? We have to seek out answers, we have to get involved in retreats, and church events that could revitalize our soul, and bring us to a stronger spiritual reality.

So in my randomness-let's grow deeper beyond-fuzzy slippers, fire breathing frogs, and show these students that they can embrace the mystery of faith, the mystery of the eucharist, the love that we long for.

Anyhow, as I sign off, I have a room full of students discussing faith issues, and I'm distracted! haha! Farewell Fantabulous people! God Bless You!!

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