Monday, January 27, 2014

Flash Mobs and Yugio Club

Hello!! Happy Monday to all of you!!

First and foremost, I have been overthinking all week about my blog from last week. If anyone of you read it, and I made it sound like teachers should not lock their doors to get work done, I did not mean that. On the contrary, you must have boundaries and set side time aside to do work. I just meant that alot of staff figure I should do the same thing. Unfortunately, I do have to lock my doors once and awhile to get paperwork done, but I really need to strive to available to build relationships with the students. Thats the most important part of my job.

I just came in to my office after practicing a Flash Mob with a few students that we are planning on presenting to the entire school at lunch next week! They have so much courage! The fact that they are doing this random dance and making a fool out of themselves tells me that they don't care what others think of them.  That's Awesome!!! They're just having fun doing something that's kind of cool and they don't care about those students that might think it's weird or something!

I think we are called to be like that in our faith! We can't be afraid to say something or to stand up for something that we believe in, even if it makes us look weird.  Being with God is the ultimate gift we get in heaven, so why should anything else matter? So remember, if you can Flash Mob! You Can Share God! I am so proud of my super team members that are in this Flash Mob-and if you don't know what a flash mob is, it's a planned out dance that happens randomly when not alot of other people are expecting it! So fun!!!

Alot of the flash mobbers come from a little club in the school called the Yugio club! This was a club that one of the grade 11 students wanted to get started and asked if I could help them set up a room during lunch hours. It has now been called the "Nerd Room", ...and they are proud of it! haha!! Honestly, these are not the students that I would expect to come out and dance in front of the school. Alot of them are shy and alittle reserved, but I think this club has given them a purpose, and a community where they can be themselves. It's pretty cool!

I guess the point of this blog entry today is, never underestimate how you can reach out to others. It's as simple as helping students open a yugio club, to just being there when they need help on an assignment.

Have a wonderful monday! God Bless everyone!!
P.S. Stay tuned! We have exciting news for our school chapel!! :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

You Can't Just Sit There! And the CCYMN Conference!

It's been 4 and half years since I started working here at Notre Dame Highschool in Red Deer! And there have been many crazy experiences! Many laughs! Many tears! And many changes!

Every time I attend a conference, I am so incredibly blessed to be with fellow catholic youth ministers that "Get it"

I once told a support staff this year at the school, that she is in fact a Youth Minister. And she started laughing and thought that was weird because she wasn't religious. I also get told on a regular basis, that I can lock my doors of my office and not let students in because they don't need to bug me.  (Which-I have done only on mondays so that I can get work done), but it seems as though, people don't get what a youth minister is!
All of us staff at this school, I believe, are youth ministers! We are helping young people graduate! We are helping them succeed in life! We are helping and forming them to become wonderful young adults! That's what a youth minister is! We are building relationships with the these students! We are getting to know them, and we are there for them if they are in need!

I know for most teachers, locking your door to get work done is normal, but I want to be available to these students, that's what a youth minister should be doing! Not worrying about the paperwork so much, or managing your time to work on that when you know you won't be distracted by students!

It's all about the relationship!

I had the opportunity this past weekend to attend the CCYMN Conference-which stands for-The Canadian Catholic Youth Ministry Network! It was held in Saskatoon, Sask! We had 220 youth ministry oriented people attend the conference! From actual youth ministry coordinators, to clergy, to parents and to teachers! It was an inspiring weekend filled with so much encouragement and affirmation!

One of the biggest themes of the weekend with our guest speaker-Frank Mercadante was this-Do simple things and encourage others!! Don't stress about the big stuff! Just do little things well! Be intentionally courteous! Try to affirm the people you are around! Let the students know you are praying for them, and that you appreciate them!

One other huge thing I got out of this weekend is that we MUST reach out to the Teachers/Staff at the school, and the Parents! This is huge! I, as a youth minister do not see the students as much as these role models.  It is important to build relationships with the staff and with the parents! This is something I realize I lack. I tend to get intimidated or worried about judgement, but after 4 and half years of this position in the school, it is time! It is time for a big change! I want to strive to bring our staff closer together and to not only build relationships with each other, but even more with the students. We need the staff at our schools to really know Jesus Christ in their lives. Then they will "get it"! They'll know that they are youth ministers! Molding and building relationships with the students that they encounter everyday! Fundamentally, Jesus, MUST be at the center, otherwise, we're just teaching, and in a catholic school system, it needs to obviously be more than that!

And secondly, the parents need to encounter Jesus in us! This is definately a challenge in a highschool! We don't see those parents very often. But to connect with them, will be a goal that I will strive to work on.

I will close this Blog with a story that Frank Mercadante shared at our conference, about a man in the 1980's who decided to tie a bunch of helium balloons to a lawn chair. Not anticipating too much he sat in the lawn chair and cut the rope, and to his surprise the balloons, along with him shot up straight in the air to 16,000 feet! This man was eventually rescued before he went over the Pacific ocean, and when he was safe and on the ground, the authorities asked him why he did this, and the man said-"Because you can't just sit There"

We can't just sit there! If we truly believe in God, and desire heaven, we can't just sit and do nothing. We have a responsibility to love others enough to help them to get to heaven too. And that means building relationships and being there for one another.

If you're just sitting there, what are you going to now, to be a youth minster in the lives of the young people we meet everyday?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

We All Survived the End of the World on Dec. 21st 2012!! Praise God!

Good Morning!

If you are reading this blog, it means that you survived the End of the World! Congrats!

It's amazing how much people worried about that day, when it says in the bible that we will not know the time or day that the world will end. We only know to live our lives as holy people of God and to try and be ready at all times, because in reality we have know idea when we could die.

At any rate, as my post for today, I cannot say enough how blessed I am to be working in a highschool with amazing students! I went for a doctor's appointment yesterday, and the results of my test was a little upsetting. I was a bit emotional at school, when I got back to work. I was trying to fake being happy, and of course of a few of the students that hang out in my office, noticed that.  Three boys decided to take it upon themselves to sing me songs to cheer me up.  What entertainment that was! haha! It was wonderful, and completely changed my day!  These students really know how to serve one another, and get satisfaction in doing so.  I think we all need to remember to take time to appreciate each other and to show it in creative ways, like these students did for me!

I cannot say enough how hard it must be for the average teenager to overcome the pressures of everyday influences. I know we've all been there. The thing that baffles me, is the amount of students, that once they graduate and become an adult, more things are acceptable, and considered "normal" and "okay", and alot of people lose the morals they grew up in.  Why is it that when someone turns 18, all of a sudden, at a college party, it's acceptable to smoke pot? why is it okay to go to the bar and get drunk every weekend? why is it okay to look at porn? I mean, there is a point where we all tend to grow up and mature...but how are these things considered mature? I worry about the students that have graduated in the last few years. For the most part, alot of them are doing really well, but also for alot of them, their faith gets put on the backburner and their conscience doesn't exsist anymore, because they've become adults, and "in charge"..

I guess the question is, how do we keep our graduated students on the right road to Christ? And still have a good conscience? Is it serving in some way? Is it pushing to keep up the sacraments? This is a super huge challenge and one that I definately need more prayer and help with!

Anyways, wonderful people, have a great day! Enjoy everyday like it's your last, cause for all we know, the end of the world could be tomorrow!

God Bless,

Jeannette Manser
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Notre Dame Highschool

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I want to be on Good Soil!

Good Morning Everyone!

Well, Autumn is here and it's good to be back in the school working! It's been a very busy month so far, and I'm super grateful for all of my upcoming helpers on my Super Team, as well as, eager teachers to help with my LifeTeen Nights!

I'm running chapel times for religion classes this week, and I have them do a skit of the Parable of the Sower and the Seeds!

To most people this is a pretty familiar story where the farmer sows seeds, some seeds get eaten right away by birds and don't even have a chance of living. Some seeds fall on rocky ground, but with no good soil, the sun burns them up and they die. Then some seeds fall on thorny ground and the seeds end up getting choked up by the thorns and die. Then the farmer sows seeds onto good soil, and they grow to be strong and healthy.

I want to be on Good Soil! I think most of you would agree, that most of us are striving for good soil, but we all struggle and we all deal with circumstances and situations that might be a little "rocky", or "thorny". We want to be better, but the "thorns' or "sins" are holding us back from what God has in store for us!

So, this will be a short message this morning, but strive for Good soil! Avoid sin, temptation, and things that may not help you do what God's will is for you!

Also, remember that we are all farmers and we have the ability to sow the seeds as well! Help plant the seeds in one another! Help each other feel loved and supported! Lead them to Christ! For he is love! Be kind to one another for we are all created for greatness! Each and every one of us!

Happy Tuesday everyone!
P.S. I started a Boot Camp exercise program this morning and nearly died! I felt like the seed stuck in the thorns because I want to strive to be more healthy but I haven't for so long that it was extremely difficult! But I'm striving for the good!!

Never give up on yourself!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Happy Summer everyone! I sit here in class on a rainy july morning at Summer Sem in Saskatoon SK! I cannot say how blessed and affirming it is to have the opportunity to hang out with some of my very favorite youth ministers to refresh, learn, and to brainstorm my upcoming youth ministry year.

It makes me realize I'm not the only weird one! That everyone else is on the same wave length!

Youth Minsistry is really a business. It's a business in which we as ministers help to lead youth, as well, as lead others to Jesus through our example. Even if it means just sitting with students for a coffee. Building relationships before preaching is crucial to help them feel open to God.

However, sometimes I try too hard to organize too many events and activities and I get overwhelmed.  I have learned this week, that Ministry is not my own!! It's everyone's responsibility, and I'm just the coordinator that helps to develop it and make it happen.

There will be many changes in my program this coming year at Notre Dame. I want to develop a LifeTeen Night for highschool students only. I'm super pumped! I ask for your prayers on this!

So as I sit at Summer Sem, my brain is going crazy with ideas and excitement for my students. 

If you are a youth minister, and you're struggling with your ministry always remember that Growth happens when we're uncomfortable, and we must learn to lead by learning to follow.  Be a servant leader! Servant leaders can risk serving others because they trust that God is in control of their lives.

I cannot say how amazing Summer Sem is, and if you're wondering-WCACYM stands for Western Canadian Association of Catholic Youth Ministers! What a blessed organization! It's good to be here!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Soap Opera of the Youth Ministry Office...umm...

I remember when I first started going to Our Lady of Victory Camp at 15yrs old and my friends and I had crushes on all these boys. One in particular was always seeking attention, and everyone liked him. I will never forget being in line for snack with this other girl, and he came up behind us, and was like "Ladies! Mind if I join you?" He put his arms around our shoulders, and both my friend and I were on cloud nine. Needless to say, he just wanted to cut the line, and that was his way of doing that.

10yrs ago as a team member out at camp, I met my husband, and got engaged and got married all in less than a year. We had met at camp, and it was special because God was definately on the same wave length for both of us!

Having a Youth Minstry office in the high school here in good ol' Red Deer has many advantages. However, with those also come....wait for it!!!! The Drama!!!!! duh duh duh!!!

It's hard to believe that little boyfriend/girlfriend relationships happen because they become a part of the super team, or hang out in my office! The awkward part is, these relationships usually last about a month and then die, and then it's weird having them both come visit me.

I also think I probably know more about their relationship problems than most of their friends! haha! And thus the drama begins.

With close nit communities of students involved with my programs, comes that drama. Every community-even nuns who live in a convent, will have some sort of drama. There's no escaping it!

I have to leave my office pretty quick here to greet my friend John-Paul farewell as he becomes a franciscan brother, but my point is, Drama is everywhere. We just need to know how to handle it, in a mature way.

When you're close with someone you're not always going to get along with them, because you might have a different opinion on something. That's okay. It's important to avoid gossip and judgement, and be the christian example and talk to that person. And offer them up in prayer. Jesus didn't die on the cross for us to just do this on our own.

Anyways, I'm happy to finally get this blog done! Have a great weekend everyone!!

Your Sister in Christ,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How to De-stress during Finals!!!

So..I drove in this morning from Innisfail, and the roads were pretty ugly. It stressed me out so much driving in my little car down icy roads, with cars behind me wanting to pass me cause I drive so slow! So how do I de-stress from all of this?
To take time to give it to Jesus! Seriously!! Like Legit! If you take just alittle bit of time of silence, to focus on him and ask him to take it away, it makes you feel a whole lot better. Wednesdays at lunch at Notre Dame, there is an opportunity to pray in the chapel, to be silent, to just give all your cares to God. I love it! It renews my whole day!!
So..if any students are reading this-give your stress to God, for he died for you, and is willing to do anything for you!! Teachers and staff-you too! I know this is a stressful time as you submit marks,etc. Give to God. It's kind of like that Bruno Mars Song-Grenade but not really!!

Do you remember those spiritual resolutions I talked about before? How are yours going? Me? well, funny you should ask...haha! ...uh..cough! It's err good!! No actually it's going well. I've had a few late nights of youth ministry certificate homework so praying with Kevin has been hard this week. Working out-well...staying late in Red Deer has been a challenge because of bad roads and such, so I'm going tonight in Innisfail for sure!! I will keep going!! And God will give me strength!!

Anyhow, have a wonderful snowy day!! Stay tuned for my next blog-Little Bo Peep has Lost her Sheep!!