Monday, January 27, 2014

Flash Mobs and Yugio Club

Hello!! Happy Monday to all of you!!

First and foremost, I have been overthinking all week about my blog from last week. If anyone of you read it, and I made it sound like teachers should not lock their doors to get work done, I did not mean that. On the contrary, you must have boundaries and set side time aside to do work. I just meant that alot of staff figure I should do the same thing. Unfortunately, I do have to lock my doors once and awhile to get paperwork done, but I really need to strive to available to build relationships with the students. Thats the most important part of my job.

I just came in to my office after practicing a Flash Mob with a few students that we are planning on presenting to the entire school at lunch next week! They have so much courage! The fact that they are doing this random dance and making a fool out of themselves tells me that they don't care what others think of them.  That's Awesome!!! They're just having fun doing something that's kind of cool and they don't care about those students that might think it's weird or something!

I think we are called to be like that in our faith! We can't be afraid to say something or to stand up for something that we believe in, even if it makes us look weird.  Being with God is the ultimate gift we get in heaven, so why should anything else matter? So remember, if you can Flash Mob! You Can Share God! I am so proud of my super team members that are in this Flash Mob-and if you don't know what a flash mob is, it's a planned out dance that happens randomly when not alot of other people are expecting it! So fun!!!

Alot of the flash mobbers come from a little club in the school called the Yugio club! This was a club that one of the grade 11 students wanted to get started and asked if I could help them set up a room during lunch hours. It has now been called the "Nerd Room", ...and they are proud of it! haha!! Honestly, these are not the students that I would expect to come out and dance in front of the school. Alot of them are shy and alittle reserved, but I think this club has given them a purpose, and a community where they can be themselves. It's pretty cool!

I guess the point of this blog entry today is, never underestimate how you can reach out to others. It's as simple as helping students open a yugio club, to just being there when they need help on an assignment.

Have a wonderful monday! God Bless everyone!!
P.S. Stay tuned! We have exciting news for our school chapel!! :)

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